Tips and advice

Sensory Defensiveness – dealing with a fussy baby

“Is your baby fussing an enormous amount or is he slow to warm up to...

Safer sleeping to limit SIDS

If you find yourself bending over your sleeping baby listening for breath sounds or even...

How to sort out sleep problems

At 2am as 9 month old Amy cries out for the fifth time that night,...

Your baby’s routine and sleep

Babies function best with a routine. But this concept is easily abused and taken to...

Remedies for common toddler sleep concerns

Sr Ann Richardson answers the most common questions from mothers of toddlers and how to...

Protein and night wakings in babies older than 6 months

Your baby needs only milk (either breast milk or formula milk) as his main source...

Preparing your toddler for the new baby

Expanding your family is exciting and a great cause of joy, but it won’t be...

Post Natal Depression

The arrival of a ‘bundle of joy’ challenges most new mothers’ whole way of life....

What is a picky eater?

Picky eating is such a broad term and something that may mean different things for...

Night feeds – from newborn to toddler

Night feeds are simply a part of early parenting. All babies need them in the...

Nanny Sense

You have been happily living with a part time domestic worker who comes in twice...

My toddler won’t sleep alone

Usually when a toddler is co-sleeping, one or both parents are not enamored with the...

My newborn baby won’t sleep

Many of us recall saying “My baby is an angel – she just feeds and...

My baby wakes endlessly at night

Nothing and no one can prepare you for the feeling of sleep deprivation – the...

Feeding your baby cow’s milk from 12 months old

“When is the right time to introduce cows milk straight from the fridge?” Must we...